

the bruise Sisters

Glenn and Lyle Blackwood were the brotherly pair of Safety’s who starred for the Miami Dolphins in the early 80’s and took the nickname ‘The Bruise Brothers’ for their hard-hitting style of play and in reference to the well-known ‘80’s movie ‘The Blues Brothers’.

With most of the TD-UK’s original female players preferring to play defence and gaining a similar liking for contact, we decided to adapt the name to match – Welcome to ‘THE BRUISE SISTERS’!


The Originals

TouchDownUK was set up to be a welcoming and encouraging sporting environment, open to all regardless of ability, experience, size, shape, or gender. It was always hoped that some female participants would get involved, but there was never a goal or expectation of involvement. Therefore, it has been a real joy that in the last 10 years of our work that teams without female participation have been the exception, rather than the rule.

From their earliest incarnations TD-UK teams have always had girls strongly represented with the Mustangs and Bombers mustering a total of 14 female players for significant periods of time.

Virtually all who stayed beyond their 1st few weeks very quickly showed anyone questioned their right to a place in the teams that they were on the field by merit.

The Teams

It was only a matter of time before TD-UK gathered enough girls at one team to be able to offer the opportunity for them to be part of an all-girls team. Although many female players were happy to be involved in mixed teams, this opportunity opened the door to a wider range of participants not familiar with the sport or lacking in confidence of their abilities.

Luckily, we had lightning strike twice at the same time and we were able to launch The Meggetland Pumas and the Royal High Ravens as dual projects. We had over 20 girls attend the two teams over the year they ran, and despite very little experience the players involved grew in ability, skill, and technique leading to the involvement in the 1st ever inter-scholastic all female scrimmage in Europe.

Although many of the core players were to graduate from High School or decided to move on to other activities after this year, this remains a significant moment for the girls involved and for the charity. It remains one of our CDO’s favourite memories in TD-UK’s history.


Summer and Holiday Camps

Not only does TD-UK run its own project, but we collaborate with many other community organisations, especially during the Summer Months.

It was at one such camp that our CDO and camp volunteers ran our biggest ever all female session, where we kitted up over 25 young ladies in a fast, fun but hard-hitting session.

Using this event as an example, we have run many other such events at similar events, offering a female only environment to encourage participation and a safe place to experience a new sport/skills. Very often the girls attending have little or no sporting experience or interest.

Team Leaders

Every year there are always one or two young women who join a team and then step up and stand out, not just from the other girls, but from the whole team. They become team leaders, and stand out as examples to be followed.

The New Generation

As we returned to the field during/after COVID, we welcomed a new generation of mould breaking female players to these ‘Bruise Sisters’. We had 5 very different girls across 3 of our 4 projects in 2021, making up about 10% of our total current membership. They ranged in age from 9-16, and each have taken the same huge step into the unknown as their ‘big sisters’ did before them.

Most have similarly stepped into a defensive role, preferring to tackle their male team members and demonstrate the truth in the saying #hitlikeagirl.